Upcoming Event
Surrealist Collaboration at KASMIN Gallery, RSVP required
Monday, February 21, 2022, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Image: YVES TANGUY, ANDRÉ MASSON AND OTHERS, Cadavre exquis, 1925 -colored pencil on paper, 11 1/8 x 8 1/2 inches, 28 x 21.6 cm
This is a private event at Paul Kasmin Gallery to visit the exhibition Surrealist Collaboration. In art classrooms, the exquisite corpse game has become a popular ice breaker and drawing excercise for students of all ages. However, the game has it's origins in the surrealist salons of the 1920s and the originals are on view right here. Join us to look at the work and for a short lecture by Big Sky founder Kerry da Silva Cox. Then we’ll try the excercise. This event is geared towards Teaching Artists - independant or affiliated with NYC based orgs - or upper level Big Sky Students (high school through adult). The event caps at 10 people and proof of vaccine will be required. Supplies are provided. RSVP by emailing info@bigskyworkshop.com